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Educating the mind, heart, and soul
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“To touch the hearts of your students is the greatest miracle you can perform.”
Saint John Baptist de La Salle Meditations 139.3 - Feast of Saint Peter
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Ms. Fabiola Aguirre
Buildings And Grounds
Mr. Jose Alvarez
Director of Ministry
Email Jose Alvarez
Mr. Avi Atzmon
Buildings and Grounds
Email Avi Atzmon
Ms. Carol Balding
Email Carol Balding
Transcripts, school records, etc.
Ms. Jennifer Chua '16
Director of Student Activities and Science Teacher
Email Jennifer Chua '16
510-526-9242 Ext. 417
Dr. Ya-Wen Chuang
Science Teacher
Email Ya-Wen Chuang
Ms. Rosa Clark
Buildings And Grounds
Ms. Rose Clyne
Art Teacher
Email Rose Clyne
510-526-9242 Ext. 411
Ms. Ariana Corwin '15
Admissions Assistant
Email Ariana Corwin '15
Ms. Hannah Davey
Theater Arts Teacher
Email Hannah Davey
510-526-9242 Ext. 441
Mr. Calvin Deng
Director of Finance
Email Calvin Deng
Ms. Zoe D'Esposito '13
Art Teacher
Email Zoe D'Esposito '13
510-526-9242 Ext. 445
Mr. Joaquin Fajardo
Tech Support
Email Joaquin Fajardo
Mrs. Christina Grosswirth '09
Science Teacher
Email Christina Grosswirth '09
510-526-9242 Ext. 407
Ms. Carlota Fernandez
Spanish Teacher
Email Carlota Fernandez
510-526-9242 Ext 420
Mr. Casey Filson '85
Dean of Students and Jazz Ensemble Teacher
Email Casey Filson '85
Ms. Beth Fisher
Accounts Receivable
Email Beth Fisher
Mr. Kevin Flemer '13
Assistant Athletic Director, Geography Teacher
Email Kevin Flemer '13
510-526-9242 Ext 423
Ms. Lisa Gallien
English Teacher
Email Lisa Gallien
510-526-9242 Ext. 435
Ms. Carla Harkness
Health and Psychology Teacher
Email Carla Harkness
510-526-9242 Ext 247
Ms. Iman Hawthorne Wells
Administrative Assistant Counseling Department
Ms. Joanne Howe
Administrative Assistant for Advancement
Email Joanne Howe
Dr. Peter Imperial
Principal and History & Social Studies Teacher
Email Peter Imperial
Mr. David Jacobs
Director Of Network Technology
Mr. CJ Jones
Events Coordinator & Advancement Support
Email CJ Jones
Mr. Modesto Juarez
Buildings And Grounds
Mr. Gregory Kelly
Social Studies Teacher
Email Gregory Kelly
510-526-9242 Ext 428
Ms. Aster Khan
Mathematics Teacher
Email Aster Khan
510-526-9242 Ext 422
Mr. Patrick Lannan
Email Patrick Lannan
510-526-9242 Ext. 476
Mr. James Lawson '81
Mathematics Teacher
Email James Lawson '81
510-526-9242 Ext. 446
Ms. Laurie Laxa
Executive Assistant to the President
Email Laurie Laxa
Mr. Justin Leach
Science Teacher, Sports Medicine Teacher, Head Strength & Conditioning Coach
Email Justin Leach
510-526-9242 Ext. 406
Ms. Kate LeClaire
Religious Studies Teacher
Email Kate LeClaire
510-526-9242 Ext. 447
Ms. Karla Lewis
Spanish Teacher
Email Karla Lewis
510-526-9242 Ext. 414
Ms. Katie Libby
Social Studies and English Teacher
Email Katie Libby
510-526-9242 Ext 275
Ms. Carmen Lopez
Buildings And Grounds
Email Carmen Lopez
Ms. Catherine Mahoney
French and English Teacher
Email Catherine Mahoney
510-526-9242 Ext. 429
Mr. Arturo Marban
Buildings And Grounds
Mr. Jeremy Marks
Religious Studies Teacher
Email Jeremy Marks
510-526-9242 Ext . 424
Mr. Gonzalo Martinez
Director of Facilities
Email Gonzalo Martinez
Ms. Kelly McConnell
Counselor (last names M-Z) and Teacher of Social Studies
Email Kelly McConnell
Ms. Joan McManus
Mathematics Teacher
Email Joan McManus
510-526-9242 Ext. 239
Ms. Martina Miller
Religious Studies Teacher
Email Martina Miller
510-526-9242 Ext. 415
Mr. Ryan Mingham
Social Science Teacher
Email Ryan Mingham
510-526-9242 Ext. 413
Mr. Denis Mohun
Mathematics Teacher
Email Denis Mohun
510-526-9242 Ext. 416
Ms. Cathy Molinelli
Vice Principal, Student Life Director and Senior Project Teacher and Coordinator
Email Cathy Molinelli
Mr. Erick Molnar
Director of Academic Technology and Multimedia Design Teacher
Email Erick Molnar
Brother Dan Morgan
Director of Communications and Computer Science Teacher
Email Dan Morgan
Faculty Coach Admin
Mr. Kevin Mosby
English Teacher
Email Kevin Mosby
510-526-9242 Ext 408
Mr. Antonio Muniz
Buildings And Grounds
Mr. Elliott Nguyen '08
Music and Chorus Teacher
Email Elliott Nguyen '08
Ms. Azure'D Nunley '00
Email Azure'D Nunley '00
Parent Association Liaison
Ms. Andrea Panlilio
Director of School Counseling, Academic Support Specialist and Psychology Teacher
Email Andrea Panlilio
Ms. Cherisse Payne
Director of Admissions and Mathematics Teacher
Email Cherisse Payne
Mr. Diego Peña '20
Email Diego Peña '20
510-526-9242 Ext. 450
Ms. Elizabeth Perez
Administrative Assistant to the Principal
Email Elizabeth Perez
Mr. Joseph Petersen
English Teacher
Email Joseph Petersen
510-526-9242 Ext. 431
Ms. Elizabeth Pilara '00
Main Office and Attendance
Email Elizabeth Pilara '00
Ms. Rebecca Policar
Mathematics Teacher
Email Rebecca Policar
510-526-9242 Ext. 439
Mr. Lawrence Puck '78 AFSC
President Emeritus
Email Lawrence Puck '78 AFSC
Mr. Patrick Rau '01
Alumni Relations Manager
Email Patrick Rau '01
Panther Store Manager Commissioner of Intramurals
Mr. Robert Riccardi '07
English Teacher
Email Robert Riccardi '07
510-526-9242 Ext. 427
Mr. Kevin Rodriguez
Science Teacher
Email Kevin Rodriguez
510-526-9242 Ext. 4451
Mr. Jeff Rogers
Social Studies Teacher
Email Jeff Rogers
510-526-9242 Ext. 412
Ms. Athalia Sachowitz
Spanish Teacher
Email Athalia Sachowitz
510-526-9242 Ext. 437
Mr. Omar Sanchez
Director of Athletics
Email Omar Sanchez
Mr. Brian Shea
Athletic Trainer/Associate Athletic Director
Email Brian Shea
Mr. David Simril
Substitution Coordinator
Email David Simril
510-526-9242 Ext. 438
Ms. Giuliana Sorbi '20
Religious Studies Teacher, Counseling Department
Email Giuliana Sorbi '20
510-526-9242 Ext. 433
Mr. Tajh Stallworth
Dance Teacher
Email Tajh Stallworth
510-526-9242 Ext. 434
Mr. Craig Sutphin
Philosophy and Epistemology Teacher
Email Craig Sutphin
510-526-9242 Ext. 432
Ms. Deirdre Tansey
College Counselor
Email Deirdre Tansey
Dr. Patricia Theodosopoulos
Science Teacher
Email Patricia Theodosopoulos
510-526-9242 Ext. 440
Mr. Brian Thomas
Email Brian Thomas
Dr. Kathleen Tierney
Social Studies and English Teacher
Email Kathleen Tierney
510-526-9242 Ext. 442
Dr. Sara Troyani
Assistant Principal for Academics, Spanish Teacher
Email Sara Troyani
Mr. Aaron Turner
Director of College Counseling
Email Aaron Turner
Mr. Evan Vaughan
School Counselor A-L
Email Evan Vaughan
Ms. Alexsandra Walton
Director of Inclusion and Belonging and Social Studies Teacher
Email Alexsandra Walton
Ms. Kimberly Wendt
Account Payable/HR Clerk
Email Kimberly Wendt
Dr. Simon Wesley
Science Teacher
Email Simon Wesley
510-526-9242 Ext. 443
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