Ministry » Vocation


Changemakers Service

Do you have a faith that is such that it is able to touch the hearts of your students and inspire them with the Christian Spirit? This is the greatest miracle you could perform
and the one that God asks of you, for this is the purpose of your work.
Saint John Baptist de La Salle

God has created me to do him some definite service; he has committed
some work to me which he has not committed to another.
I have my mission… – John Henry Cardinal Newman

Saint Mary’s College High School supports the vocational discernment of individual students throughout their years at SMCHS. Students are encouraged throughout the retreat, immersion and service programs, religious studies curriculum, and in various other program offerings in collaboration with De La Salle Institute, to discover God’s call for them. Particular focus of the Saint Mary’s Vocation Program is given to the vocation of the De La Salle Brother as a lay religious dedicated to the apostolate of education.

Below can be found some external vocation resources as well as contact information for Saint Mary’s vocation coordinators who are willing to have individual conversations about vocational discernment with members of our community.

Jose Alvarez
SMCHS Community Vocation Coordinator
Email Me

Resources –

De La Salle Brothers – District of San Francisco New Orleans

De La Salle Brothers – International Institute

Vision – National Religions Vocation Conference Site

VocationMatch – Survey-based Vocation Discernment from Vision NRVC

United States Catholic Conference of Bishops – Vocations Site