Apply to Saint Mary's » Register for the HSPT

Register for the HSPT

Click Here to Register for HSPT Exam

Please note, the deadline to register for the HSPT is January 7, 2025.


When will the HSPT be given?

The HSPT will be administered by Saint Mary's on Saturday, January 11, 2025, at 8:30 AM. Students taking the test at Saint Mary's are to report to the Cross Plaza for Check-In. Room assignments will be given at that time. 


Do you offer a prep workshop?

Saint Mary’s partners with Classroom Matters to offer an HSPT prep course. This workshop offers students an opportunity to learn more about the HSPT, and familiarize themselves with the format and focus of the test.

hspt workshop

What is included on the test?

The High School Placement Test sections include:

- Verbal cognitive skills, such as analogies, logic, synonyms and antonyms.

- Quantitative cognitive skills, such as numeric comparisons and manipulation.

- Reading achievement, such as vocabulary and reading comprehension.

- Mathematics achievement, such as numeration, percents and decimals, problem solving, computations and applications.

- Language achievement, such as punctuation, capitalization, spelling and composition.


If my child is taking the exam at Saint Mary’s, what does he or she need to bring to the exam?

Students do not need to bring any materials to the exam. Saint Mary’s will supply all items for the exam, including pencils and scratch paper. We do encourage students to bring something to read quietly as he/she waits for the exam to begin.

CALCULATORS ARE NOT ALLOWED. Student’s cell phones will be required to be silenced and not visible during the exam.


What is the cost of taking the test?

The cost of the exam is included in the Saint Mary’s application fee. Each Catholic high school sets their own application fee. If a student is applying to more than one Catholic high school, they must pay the application fee at each high school, whether they are testing there or not.


How long is the test and will my child have a break?

The HSPT is a two and a half hour test. Students will have a 15 minute break halfway through the test. There will be snacks available for them during break. Saint Mary’s allows time for the test proctor to go over directions with the students, for filling out the answer sheet, and for general test instructions. The total time of the test is approximately 3 hours. Students with extended time will be longer.


How can students prepare for the HSPT?

Since this test reflects eight plus years of learning, the best way to prepare for the HSPT test is for students to focus and pay attention in class, do all their class work, homework, and bottom-line, take their eighth grade studies seriously. Students should ask their teacher(s) if he or she has plans to offer any type of test review for the class and what students can do to review basic math and English skills prior to the test.


Will you accept other test scores in place of the HSPT?

Saint Mary’s requires that all students take the HSPT exam unless they are coming from out-of-state and/or the HSPT exam is not available where they currently reside. When appropriate, comparable, standardized testing results will be accepted. If your child has taken the ISEE or SSAT we will accept that exam in lieu of the HSPT. Please contact our office and forward your child’s scores.


Will families receive copies of the test scores?

Students taking the HSPT test at Saint Mary’s will receive a copy of their test results along with their admission decision.


How important are the test results to the admissions process?

Five sources of information are considered when evaluating a candidate for admission to Saint Mary’s. They are:

1. The information contained within the application.

2. The applicant’s 7th and 8th grade academic transcript and standardized testing.

3. Principal and teacher recommendations.

4. The student interview.

5. The HSPT test results

The test results are important and students should take them seriously, as they help us to evaluate and measure a student’s potential for academic success in a college preparatory high school environment. The test results also provide us with information about honors admission and/or honors course placement.


Is there an opportunity for accelerated placement testing?

An applicant’s HSPT test results are not the sole basis used to appropriately place freshman in their academic classes and/or accelerated courses. Saint Mary’s administers subject placement testing in May 2025 for those registered freshman who wish to be scheduled for a higher course placement in Math, English, International Language, and certain Visual and Performing Arts. The subject placement tests in May allow students the benefit of completing the majority of their coursework in a particular subject area so that they are able to effectively demonstrate their comprehension and knowledge. There is no fee for a student to take the subject placement tests. Students will be notified of their results by the Saint Mary’s Academic Office.


What is the process for requesting accommodations on the HSPT for students with learning differences?


  • Students with extended time classroom accommodations or learning differences may request extended time on the HSPT exam by providing Saint Mary’s with a copy of the student’s educational assessment or formal documentation to support the need for extended time. Extended time provides for time and a half; there are no untimed exams at Saint Mary’s.
  • To ensure these accommodations are approved, Saint Mary's must receive a copy of the required documentation on or before December 13, 2024.
  • The HSPT will begin at 8:00 AM for accommodations.

PLEASE SUBMIT A COPY OF YOUR CHILD'S official paperwork, documentation, IEP, 504, or other recommended education plan via your parent portal for the online application.